grew up in rural Southern Alberta in a strong Catholic farm family with five
brothers and sisters. I learned the value of hard work, community, and faith. Family, giving of yourself, sharing your
gifts, and being an active citizen are part of who I am. I have been a resident
of Calgary and now Chestermere for the past 27 years. My husband and I have two
amazing sons both educated in the Calgary Catholic School District.
I have been involved in education
for almost 20 years as an active parent volunteer, School Council Chair,
facilitator for Alberta School Councils’ Association, volunteer for Junior
Achievement and for the past 4 years as Trustee for Calgary Catholic School
As a trustee I have worked hard to
provide representation at the Calgary Catholic Board table, municipally, and provincially
to ensure that students have the supports they need. I have gained a strong
understanding of the needs of the students in our communities and Calgary
Catholic School District.
I am COMMITTED to continuous improvement for our district. I have developed strong relationships to support communication and COLLABORATION. My professional skills and experience as your trustee provide COMPETENCE to provide excellence in leadership and governance for Calgary Catholic School District.
the past 4 years as your trustee I have made significant contributions
to the board and associations supporting education and student success:
- Chair of the Board of Trustees since June of 2015
- Vice-Chair, Alberta School Boards Association Zone 5
- Municipal Government Act Committee
- Representative for Alberta School Boards Association School Health Regional Team
- Community member on Mathison Centre Community Connections Committee (MC4)